The Truth About Hollywood Musicals

Demeter's Daughter

Of all the popular American art-forms the Broadway/Hollywood musical is well-known to be the most 'liberal', as Americans would say. It's easy to write a list of the big-name musical movies that stand against racism: in Showboat, for example, the plotline is kicked off by miscegenation laws forcing a mixed-race couple to leave their employment, leading directly to the hiring of Gaylord Ravenal and the singing of Old Man River. South Pacific is about corny wishy-washy liberal failure to deal with prejudice against the child of a mixed marriage (though it analyses racism in terms of prejudice of course), Fiddler on the Roof charts the passive resistance of an oppressed Jewish community in fear of Tsarist pogroms - and the plot also turns on a mixed marriage between an orthodox Jewish woman and a Goy socialist activist sent to Siberia for his part in the 1905 revolution (do you think they are trying to tell us something?) - and then of course there's Cabaret, which hardly requires comment from me.

But there is more! Look closely enough with eyes schooled in the correct use of soap and you can find political messages secretly embedded in almost any piece of musical theatre or film.

There is an essential disconnect between the supposed post-modernist view of the world as made up of elements of narrative with no over-arching metanarrative, and the more fundamentally Marxist line that there is an objective reality "out there". Marxism, like Christianity, must inherently speak from a critical-realist position in order to make itself heard at all - though Christianity, unlike Marxism, is inevitably committed to a stance of dramatic irony in relation to its fundamental texts (of which the entire physical universe is one.) The Marxists collectively believe themselves to be reading the world as it in fact is, only one reality allowing of only one objectively correct political analysis. Individual Christians are looking to the world to for a message embedded in it by its creator that is not necessarily the same message others are intended read from the same text this is not a phenomenon of subjectivity but one of divergent significations in one text targeted at different readers its omniscient Author - so my message objectively isn't your message. A Marxist is forced to reject that pre-modern view of the world as created by transcendent personality external to it as much as they are forced to reject a post-modern view of the world as interpreted by isolated and fragmented personalities emergent from it. Objective analysis is required!

So where is that objective analysis to be found?

If you are going to be a fellow-traveller it makes sense to travel with someone riding First Class. Go where the money is. And the most popular Hollywood musical here in Britain is Grease, a superficially little story about some petit-bourgeois teenage girls who take to wearing tight leather clothes to attract the attention of lecherous wastrel lumpen-proles . Together the two groups waste the entire summer lazing around on the beach, fighting amongst themselves, eating ice-cream and drinking lager without once paying the slightest attention to rising against their exploiters or making any attempt at all to fight back against the divide-and-rule regime of the bosses.

Comrades, the political message of Grease is obvious.

By deconstructing the hedonistic discourse of the classic period of Late Capitalism it is bringing us back home and forcing us to boldly grasp the Fundamental Principal of British Leftism perceptively named by world-famous-musical-theatre-songwriter-and-great-comrade-of-ours Berthold Brecht as "Das UrUnterGrunderEngelsSocialismusBundenschaftsPfissPrincip and encapsulated in the immortal words of world-famous-musical-theatre-songwriter-and-great-comrade-of-ours Alex Glasgow: "As soon as this pub closes, the Revolution Starts!"

Last Updated: 4th August 2007
© Persephone Hazard (persephonehazard at googlemail dot com), 2006-2007