This week, on Y!M...

Demeter's Daughter

A few weeks ago, I arrived home from visiting some friends for a few days with a solid plan for the evening. I was going to staple together Issue I in anticipation of Picocon the next day, start my mother's Mother's Day present, have something to eat and get ready to go out clubbing. Sounds fair enough, right? While doing all this, I was logged in to Yahoo Messenger, as I often am.

So, first off-fanzine stapling and scarf knitting.

*persephone_hazard screams
flickgc: ??
persephone_hazard: My staples are too big for my stapler and my knitting is loopier than...a loopy thing.
*flickgc laughs
flickgc: You going to BFC tonight?
persephone_hazard: Yep
flickgc: You could come 'round here first and use or borrow our stapler?
persephone_hazard: Fabulous-thanks, darling, I owe you one!

Right, so, whatever. I'll just have a shower now, instead. And put some pasta on to boil.

persephone_hazard: Oh. You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me.
flickgc: ??
persephone_hazard: We have no water. None. Anywhere.
flickgc: What?
persephone_hazard: It's just...gone.
flickgc: I'll get a towel out for you. You'll like our new shower, it's lovely.
flickgc: And there's pasta, if you want feeding
persephone_hazard: Have I told you lately that I love you?

Okay, so I'll just go into my room and sort out something to wear.

persephone_hazard: You're not going to believe this. The power's just gone, too.
flickgc: How are you online?
persephone_hazard: Next door's wifi.
flickgc: I think this might be your cue to come round. Don't worry about packing stuff in the dark, you can raid my wardrobe and makeup bag.
persephone_hazard: Oh, you are So Good.

So I get my stuff together as best I can in the pitch black, and before I go I realise that I can't find my lighter in the dark. So I try to light a cigarette on the hob. Ah, no-obviously, it won't work-there's no electricity to spark the ignition.

Hang on a minute. Where's the hiss of the gas?

Closer inspection confirms that it isn't there. No gas. I give up and leave the house, and Mike and Flick make everything alright again with a wonderful shower, yummy pasta, copious quantities of black velvet (me, looking into Flick's mirror while wearing her clothes: "Oh my God! I have a silhouette!") and the lending of a stapler.

But really. At some point I need to get a better bloody house.

-The messenger excerpts are paraphrased, by the way. The real transcript is on Flick's LJ here.

Last Updated: 20 June 2007
© Persephone Hazard (persephonehazard at googlemail dot com), 2006-2007