Demeter's Daughter II

Demeter's Daughter

Available for the usual: LOC, trade, contribution, I gave you one in the pub when you weren't looking, I happen to like you, I want you to vote for me in JETS, I ran out of copies of the last one before I bumped into you...

This golden age of communication/Means everyone talks at the same time

How l33t am I, hmm? I am writing this sitting on the DLR between Lewisham and Bank. I even picked up a WiFi connection for a minute while going past Canary Wharf-not for long enough to do anything with, mind, but it was there! I'm on my way to meet Lara for lunch, and pick up fifty printed copies of Issue I, for me to distribute at Picocon in just under a fortnight's time. If you're reading this at Eastercon, all my organisation has paid off and I've got this out on time. If you're not, I've probably edited this editorial already so as to save myself the embarrassment of looking incompetent.

Speaking of, unless I've totally screwed up by the time this is given out Issue I should be available on my website,

All LOCs to, please and thank you :-) Hurrah! LOCs!

-Abi (who is wondering how the hell she's going to fill this fanzine, and is hoping that people will LOC Issue I...)

It's official: I have Pubbed my Ish. I'm sitting in a Café Nero near Oxford Circus. Lara has gone back to her office now, and there are sixty copies of the first issue of the first fanzine I have ever attempted to write in a black box file by my feet. It's a bit nervewracking, if I'm honest-what if people don't like it? What if, in the harsh light of Fandom, it turns out to be really crap? It's not the prettiest of fanzines (it was written on an ancient croaky desktop with a screen so bad you can barely see anything on it, and printed out on someone else's office printer as I don't have one of my own)-what if everyone thinks it looks lazily put together? What if people think that my Shameless Plug just looks like, well, a shameless plug, and that I'm Only In It For The Free Holiday? Argh! Far too scary! Must make sure Issue II is much better! Oh, dear...

This fanzine mostly brought to you by the word Flick, the number gin and the letters 'oh my god Eastercon is next week'.

Last Updated: 20 June 2007
© Persephone Hazard (persephonehazard at googlemail dot com), 2006-2007