Demeter's Daughter I

Demeter's Daughter

Available for the usual: LOC, trade, contribution, I gave you one in the pub when you weren't looking, I happen to like you, I want you to vote for me in JETS...

I'm in ur conventionz, stealin ur votez
Through no fault of my own, I arrived in fandom with a bit of a bang. I was Flick's Official Escort at the last Glasgow Worldcon (remember that? There was an armadillo), and to this day I'll mention that and hear a whole room chorus with "Ahhhh, right...". I then got my con report published in Plokta, and the next thing I know I'm running for JETS and writing fanzine articles and acquiring A Reputation.

The idea of this fanzine was born one gin-soaked afternoon on Flick's balcony last October, and named (rather well, I think) by James Bacon at Max's Halloween party. Most of it was actually put together at four AM in early January, because I've been far too busy doing bugger all to actually sort it out any more quickly than that. You can expect me to harangue you with another one at Eastercon, if I ever get round to actually booking a hotel room.

-Abi (who would like to point out that actually, she's rather good at walking in stilettos)

Last Updated: 22 Feburary 2007
© Persephone Hazard (persephonehazard at googlemail dot com), 2006-2007